It is important to give some offers on the page on special days to promote our online or offline or to make the customer interested in the product.
Offers that are very exceptional and will expire quickly are highly valued by the customer. When a well-known local brand in the country announces that they are offering 50% sales, the products in the showroom are sold out within a few days.
The term “for a limited time” is used because it works. Even if the same offer continues week after week, there is no problem!
This way we can easily satisfy our customers and promote the page.
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আসল কাজ শুরু হয় সেল করার পরেই কারণ তখন কাস্টমারের সাথে আমাদের সম্পর্ক তৈরি করতে হবে
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The real work begins after the sale because then we have to build a relationship with the customer
Many people online or offline think that they have sold the deal to the customer but now the deal is closed but it is a completely wrong idea. In fact, sales are not the end of the story. The real work begins after the sale because then we have to build a relationship with the...
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